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Home Products Shoring Aluminium Vertishores

Aluminium Vertishores

aluminium vertishore specifications

Length of Rail450mm450mm1070mm1070mm1525mm1525mm2135mm2135mm
Width of Rail204mm204mm204mm204mm204mm204mm204mm204mm
Number of Cylinders11222222
Min Trench Width550mm850mm550mm850mm550mm850mm550mm850mm
Max Trench Width1750mm2750mm1750mm2750mm1750mm2750mm1750mm2750mm
Stroke (Approx.)340-350mm530-540mm340-350mm530-540mm340-350mm530-540mm340-350mm530-540mm
Min Depth1060mm1060mm1500mm1500mm1975mm1975mm
Max Depth2445mm2445mm2460mm2460mm3020mm3020mm
Weight- with Standard Extensions11kg13kg23kg28kg28kg32kg32kg37kg
Max Hydraulic Pressure1500psi1500psi1500psi1500psi1500psi1500psi1500psi1500psi

Aluminium Vertishores

Description 1DC84AF1-36F8-424F-A2E3-2C7AE1790A18

Shore Hire’s Aluminium Vertishores are the quickest, simplest and safest method of shoring a trench or excavation and contribute to major cost savings for our clients time and again through their lightning-fast setup and installation time and their compact and easy-to-transport size.

Aluminium Vertishores work by supporting the side walls of a trench through the use of hydraulic pressure or ‘soil arching’. Built from lightweight aluminium alloy, vertical shores provide portability and strength advantages and prevent cave-ins within all but the most unstable soil conditions. They are quick and simple to use and can be installed safely by one person from beside the top of the trench using a hydraulic hand pump, with gauged pressure ensuring even load allocation to walls.

This simple method of installation means the trench is safely shored up while the excavator continues to dig at full capacity, thereby maximising efficiency and productivity on your job site.  The system also maximises workspace in the trench and allows for crossing services and utilities to be easily worked around, making it one of our most popular shoring systems on offer.

*Plywood/sheeting may be incorporated into engineered designs, please contact us for more information.

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