Shore Hre

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Home Projects Shoring King Post Retaining Wall for Luxury Home – Shoalhaven

جدار استنادي ملكي لمنزل فاخر - صورة مميزة


Shore Hire was contacted by Chroni’s Building & Design, a luxury building company that serves the South Coast of NSW. They needed a retaining wall solution for their site while they were doing early works for a large residential property in Hyams Beach.

Due to the site being sloped, its proximity to the coast, and the fact the ground was volatile, unstable sand, a retaining wall needed to be installed to make the site safe and stop the risk of a land slide.


To solve the customer’s problem, we originally looked at using water-filled barriers and fence panels, but our engineers deemed this solution unsuitable due to the difficult ground conditions.

Instead, we engineered a solution that utilised a King Post methodology, a highly useful system in a variety of excavation and retention applications. The design is essentially a temporary retaining wall and is incredibly robust and high-capacity. 

By adapting a traditional King Post approach using driven I-Beams with Steel Shoring Box Panels spanning across them and Handrails attached to the top of the panels for edge protection, we were able to design a fully safe, engineered solution.

In summary, our King Post System provided a safe and secure environment for workers and the general public, ensuring that Chroni’s Building & Design could carry out their work while minimising potential risks on site.

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اطلب من أحد الممثلين الفنيين زيارة موقعك اليوم

تقديم استفسار تنزيل طلب الائتمان


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