Shore Hre

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Home Projects Shoring Building an Excavation Bench Above and Below a Shoring Box To Save on Time and Money – Gosford

Gosford Case Study - Feature Image


Shore Hire was contacted by Rivers Construction (RIVCON) to help upgrade Gosford’s water and sewer infrastructure for the Central Coast Council, which was jointly funded with the NSW State Government as part of the Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF).

The HAF provides grants for critical infrastructure projects that will help communities meet the demands of new developments and housing.

This project involved the design and construction of a new wastewater pumping station, and emergency storage tank, as well as a range of other critical infrastructure to support the new development.

While there weren’t any significant challenges with this project, the typical challenges that happen when working in a residential area arose, including access issues, managing pedestrian traffic, difficult ground conditions, and tight program deadlines.


Our expert team created a solution that used three of our Shore 6.2-40 Aluminium lower boxes with 7.5m Arch Spreaders. This solution was able to support a single excavation that was over 18m long.

To reach the required depth, the customer utilised a double bench (one of which the shoring boxes sat on) to avoid needing to use three more upper shoring boxes, helping reduce the customer’s installation costs.

The arch spreaders that were used for each of the shoring boxes were wider than a typical application, meaning they required relevant engineering sign-off to ensure they were safe for use over the course of the project. While the arch spreaders were too large to transport pre-built, the Shore Hire team were able to pre-assemble sections of the struts and further assist on-site to help save the customer both time and money.

To make the project as straightforward as possible for the customer, especially given the challenges of working in a residential area, we made sure to deliver the right gear on-time, so that it could be installed by the customer straight away and minimise any downtime.

The project’s success was made possible by the collaborative efforts of Shore Hire, Rivers Construction, and the third-party engineers, which ensured a safe, efficient, and community-conscious complex infrastructure project.


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People_of_of_shore_hire_web 2022-10-04 الساعة 1.49.17 مساءً