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Home Blog Tips & Tricks Job Site Safety 101


There is so much more to Jobsite safety than just following your company’s safety guidelines. The guidelines are there to help ensure your safety but total Jobsite safety is more complex than just do’s and don’ts when following these guidelines.

Three important elements make up the ABCs of Jobsite safety as defined by Shore Hire:

  • Attitude
  • Behaviour
  • Control

Attitude is an integral part of safety, as being in the correct frame of mind, and staying alert and focused ensures a safer Jobsite. Behaviour refers to what and how you react to situations, such as not taking shortcuts, using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or support systems such as shoring and propping as well as asking questions if you’re unsure of something or need more information to do the job. Control refers to making your surroundings where you do what you do safer – such as keeping surroundings clean and orderly. All three of these elements make up the ABCs of Jobsite safety – helping to ensure a safer and more productive you!

For information about our range of products and temporary work solutions, email [email protected], or call our friendly team of experts at 1300 SHORE HIRE.

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